Home ยป Service Integration
Our research consistently shows that success in IT sourcing is strongly dependent on your maturity as an IT organization. We often find IT departments to be lacking maturity in one or more of the following areas:
During the Sourcing Strategy phase we will understand the maturity of the IT function on above matters. We will come with recommendations on a number of topics:
During the Selection & Contracting phase we work with the client on the Service Integration & Management stream. We detail the process & tooling transformation roadmap and define the change management plan for the internal IT staff. This includes profile descriptions for new roles within IT (more process and managerial as opposed to execution), plan for external contractors, etc.
During the transition & stabilization phase towards the new service provider(s) and the new IT operating model, S-Square can stay on board as transition project manager, but also as change manager to guide the client on the implementation of new/changed IT people & roles, process, tools and governance.